Simple Harmonic Motion
Trigonometry and Kinematics
Practice Problems
SHM Overview
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Here we get to start putting everything together!
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We have established the a simple harmonic oscillator moves in a periodic motion... therefore we can say that it has an angular acceleration (ω).
ω = 2π/T = 2πf
And when we substitute this into the trig. equations we saw earlier, we find that:
D(t) = A sin (ωt)
D(t) = A sin (2πf * t)
Where: D(t) = the displacement of the oscillator at time, t (m)
            A = the maximum displacement of the oscillator (m)
            f = frequency (Hz)
            t = time (s)
These equations allows us to solve most SHM problems.

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Alesa Rabson & Maria Forero - Simple Harmonic Motion